If you’re encountering difficulties in getting one or more of your photos certified, here are some potential reasons and their solutions. If you don’t find the answer to your problem here, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team for help.
It says that I need to certify my profile first
To be able to certify a photo, you must first have a certified profile using the latest certification method. For more information on how to certify your profile, see our FAQ article: How to certify my profile?
I am already certified, but it’s asking me to get certified again
If you certified your profile some time ago with the old method (2.0), be aware that we have since updated our system for greater reliability. The new certification method (3.0) is done using a video. To check which method you used:
• A small purple dot with a check mark indicates the old method (2.0).
• A small blue eye indicates the new method (3.0).
Only members certified with the latest certification method can request to get their photos certified.
It says that I have reached my limit of photos that can be certified
The limit of photos you can get certified depends on your membership status:
• Regular member (free): One certified photo per year.
• VIP member: Three certified photos per year.
• VIP GOLD member: Six certified photos per year.
If you have reached your limit and wish to get more photos certified, consider upgrading your subscription in the VIP Subscription section to enjoy more benefits.
It says that I cannot make a certification request for a photo from this album
Only photos from your public and private albums are eligible for certification. Make sure that the photo you want to get certified is in one of these albums.
My photo certification was denied because I cannot be properly identified
For your photo to be certified, it is crucial that your face be clearly visible and identifiable. If your photo is too dark, blurry, or altered by a filter that prevents clear identification, the certification will be denied. Make sure that your photo is of good quality and meets the criteria of our certification process.
Tip: Always check that your information is up to date and that you meet the current certification criteria to avoid any inconvenience. If you continue to have difficulties, our customer service is here to help.
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